Baseball Tee: Loft. Jeans: Zara. (similar here and here.) Shoes: Nordstrom.(go down half a size!) Sunglasses: Old Navy. (similar here.) Bag: Anne Klein. (similar here and here.) Nails: Essie. (ballet slippers.)
You guys. I found the most perfect slouchy mint baseball tee. I’ve been searching for years to find this baby and then low and behold, I find it at Loft. I should have known. Also, you should probably know it’s linen and is on sale right now, plus an extra 40% off. (It comes in petite too!) You’re welcome. ;-)
Can we also talk about these shoes for a minute? Because seriously, they are the stuff pastel dreams are made of. Perfectly pink. You know it’s love when you’re basically planning all your outfits around your new shoes.
I hope you’re enjoying your week! My sisters and I are having the best time together. Yesterday they came in and helped me rearrange my studio, which was actually so fun, despite the heaving lifting involved. It’s nice to have another girl’s opinion. The studio is totally feng shui now. Then we went shopping and stayed till Nordstrom closed. Turns out they lock you out of the mall if you stay past closing time, and there’s no way to access the parking garage from the inside so you have to walk all the way around the outside of the mall, in the dark and the cold, and the rain, with the babies you have in tow. Look how dramatic I made that. But seriously, we were cracking up, mostly because neither me or my sisters have any sense of direction, so locating the proper parking garage (there’s about a hundred) was an experience. Today, we’re heading downtown, for some fresh flowers, a little more shopping (hello Zara), and I’m pretty sure there’s some crumpets with our names on it. If you’re in the city, come find us and say hello!

You always look so cute
Lovely pastels just in time for Easter! i’m still wearing my blacks because it’s frigid around these parts
Happy Medley Blog
Great jeans. I love the pastel colors, it is perfect for spring.
Had my eye on that shirt too. Parking garage story is pretty scary. Nordstrom always seems to be in a mall with garage parking. We don’t have a Nordstrom where I live. :(
Very nice look! Love your jeans and shoes!
Love the shirt! What size did you end up getting?