Trench: Boden. (similar here.) Jeans: Hudson. Wellies: Hunter. (adult version here.) Umbrella: Old Navy. (similar.)
I think I’ve mentioned on here before that we don’t watch TV. Heck, we don’t even have TV. We never got it in college, because we were poor as church mice and Craig and I decided that eating everyday was probably better than having tv (priorities people), so we never got cable. And the funny thing is that when you stop watching TV, you stop caring what’s on. I’d like to think all addictive things must be like that. I’m hoping at least, because I really need to get off Dr. Pepper. I heard soda ages you as much as smoking and I’m thinking “yikes,” because I just really really love Dr. Pepper. And I keep thinking, that maybe, just maybe if I stop drinking it altogether, then I’ll stop thinking about all the Dr. Pepper to be had out there in the world and I can move on and be a healthy, non-aging person. I mean, I’ll still be aging, but you know what I mean.
But anyway, back to TV. So we don’t watch TV. I used to feel all self-righteously noble about this, like I was living on some higher ground, but last year taught me all kind of things about being humble, and now I just don’t watch it because I just don’t want to. Except, Netflix. Blast you Netflix and your binge watching abilities! (Cue: dramatic fist shaking at the ceiling.) How did you know that being able to live stream every single episode of Sherlock would be my weakness?? How?! So yeah, there it is. Occasionally, I’ll be bored on a weekend or (rarely) a week night (holy Hannah having 3 kids in school with homework is busy) and I’ll randomly turn on some show that’s been on for like 8 seasons already that someone tells me about, and if it’s good, I’m hooked. I’m a sellout. I loooove TV. And then suddenly I’ve watched 5 consecutive episodes of something while pretending to fold laundry, because then I don’t have to feel guilty about the binge watching. But really, I’m just watching tv and rotting my brain. You were right mom! So right!
I got hooked on Sherlock back in August when I was close to having an aneurism with all the stress of finishing our kickstarter and just needed an escape for an hour or two every night. But then, you know I watched every last episode and the next season doesn’t come out for two years. TWO. YEARS. I mean, what the heck is that?! Anyways, with all the incessant rain we’ve been having, the kids and I’ve taken to starting “laundry Wednesdays.” I don’t even know how this is suddenly a tradition, but somehow it is. So on Wednesdays they get out of school early, and after homework and chores and piano is done, when we hit that part of the afternoon where I really want to send them outside for an hour or two, and if it just happens to be pouring rain, we have a “laundry Wednesday.” Wherein I help them master the art of pretending to fold laundry while we watch Once Upon a Time. This means I drag our seven billion loads of laundry out to the living room and we all sit amongst the baskets and get wrapped up in Storybrooke, Maine. Then when we’ve watched an episode or two, I drag all the baskets back into my bedroom to fold later and they put away the two shirts and one pair of socks that got done.
It works.
Sort of.
Also, please excuse the wig. I’m going to have the hair of a drowned rat until I drag myself into the salon to have a keratin treatment done… hashtag: rain.

Ahh sherlock! As a true fan of the original short stories, I had been a real snob about any TV or movie production until a good friend recommended Sherlock. Well, I caved and watched the first episode and was hooked. I thing I actually applauded at the end! So I DEFINITELY feel your pain about the 2 year gap between “series” but alas like all good things, totally worth waiting for :-) Love your trench too!
your double stripes and cute rain boots are darling! :D
ladies in navy
I love Sherlock!!! We don’t have cable either, but darn Netflix and Hulu! (But really, <3 Netflix and Hulu.)
Big fan of Boden. Only got introducted to them 2yrs ago and I’m happy I did. This trench is super cute. You look adorable!
Instagram: koshercoco
That’s how I do laundry and dishes here. :). May I recommend The Bletchley Circle. Only season one is on Netflix and like Sherlock it has only a few episodes. I watched it while doing a massive amount of ironing.
Love the trench.
Love this coat! Gorgeous as always!
I never had cable, except for one semester in college when my roommate wanted it. Now not having cable is so trendy! Everyone just watches Netflix or Amazon Prime! I will have to get to watching Sherlock. I love Once Upon a Time but I never take the time to watch it.
I’ve very addicted to internet and I think that’s probably worse than being addicted to tv, because you can run out of things you want to watch on tv. :/
Also, I need to get boots like that. And the trench. It’s been raining all week and when I was out shopping today, everyone had terrible hair and melted makeup. It was great! No need to feel self conscious, your hair still looks way better than anyone’s I’ve seen this evening.
I am loving the red rain boots and striped trench cost. And Sherlock. :). I so happy to hear I’m not the only one out there who pretends to fold laundry so they can watch TV. I did it just yesterday while watching Ten Dollar Dinners on Food Network.
And that should say “I’m so happy” not “I so happy”. Good grief! I guess you (and my Mom,too) are right, Cori. TV does rot your brain!!!
Okay, this actually made me laugh out loud because I could have written every word of this. We don’t have cable, nor do we watch much TV but once my Mr got I to his MBA, me and Netflix became tight. Like BFFs. And I too got addicted to Sherlock (and call the midwife, and Bones). My kids and I watch Once Upon a Time and we have all fallen into the rabbit hole that is Storeybrooke. Darn Netflix, with your tempting shows and non-stop entertainment. Darn you!!!!