Dress: The Kathleen. Sweater: Loft. (old. similar.) Bag: Target. Riding boots: Steve Madden. (last year. similar.)
3 things about me that you really don’t need to know but I’m going to tell you anyway.
1.Most people I meet are shocked to find out that I actually have curly hair. Rather unruly curly hair. I count this as a victory for me and my hair straightener. My frizzy-haired high school self would be so proud.
2. I still wear my retainers every night. Braces were just that traumatic to me that at 31 I’m still not willing to risk undoing all the pain and humiliation. Plus, Mr. thinks they’re su-per hot. (not.)
3. I often forget how truly petite I am. Sometimes, when we’re someplace public I’ll see another super short girl and I’ll turn to Craig and say, “Did you see that lady? She was tiny!” Then he’ll turn back to me and be like, “um, that’s how short you are Cori.” Oh.
Okay your turn. Tell me 3 random things about you. ;-)

Please tell us your hair secrets! I would’ve never known. My unruly curly mane would never look like that.
love the striped sweater and boots combo! xo
I would have never guessed that your hair is naturally curly! That’s a very impressive transformation.
Wow, that’s amazing! Please share your hair secrets. My unruly curly hair will thank you forever.!
3 random things:
1- love running in the winter.
2- favorite food: raspberries.
3- our baby girl just said “Mom” for the first time yesterday :)
Ps. Any tips for us curly girls on getting sleek hair like yours?
I never would have guessed that your that petite – you photograph very tall – or that you have curly hair. What’s your straight hair secret?
How tall are you? You really don’t seem super short in your pictures!
1- I’m 5’4″ but always wanted to either be 5’0″ or 5’9″ none of this average stuff!
2- I’m such a crier. I cry watching movies, music videos, tv shows, reading books, reading blogs. Basically everything. I know, ridiculous.
3- I;m an EXTREMELY picky eater, BUT if I’m with new people (or around my partner’s family, etc.) I will force myself to eat whatever they’ve fixed because I don’t want to seem rude.
cute dress and just love your cardi!
ladies in navy
I would have never guessed that you were petite, how tall are you? You must have the most amazing hair straightener ever! Let’s see a picture one day with your hair not straightened…pretty please :)
I had braces as a kid, didn’t wear my retainers and then got invisalign a few years back. I now wear my invisalign retainers every single day, even when I was in the hospital having my babies, I still wore them! I feel better because my husband did the same thing, so now we’re retainer wearing night geeks together.
Three things: 1)I could listen to the same song on repeat all day, my current song “Say Something” by A Great Big World. 2) I like making lists, sometimes I write easy things, like wake up, just so I can cross it out 3)Grey’s Anatomy makes me cry almost every week (yes I still watch it, and yes it’s still on the air)
I love this dress, and all the dresses you’ve designed for that matter! I’d love to feature one of your designs on my blog! http://www.dressingdallas.com
This made me laugh, because I still ware my retainer every night and am super petite. And when I see petite girls I turn to my husband and ask if I am taller. Its good to feel like you are not the only petite in the world. Thanks for sharing, it made my day. :)
1. I’ve never seen the wizard of oz.
2. I love reading blogs late at night when I really should be sleeping.
3. I just spent a week in Florida on vacation.
How funny – you don’t look petite! I would have guessed 5’5”? How tall are you? Maybe it’s bc you are photographed alone – no perspective.
I was born curly but fought it for the next 47 years. Last year, Kristina of the blog “Kristina J” posted about her gorgeous, naturally-curly hair. I was intrigued, and I purchased a copy of “Curly Girl: The Handbook”. I am not exaggerating when I say that it changed my life. I no longer fight my curls, and my hair is healthier than it has been, in, well, 47 years. ;-) I just wanted to pass this information along for any curly girls who hate what nature gave them but just might come to discover that it is something to love! Great hair (curly or straight!) combined with a Corilynn dress or skirt? You CAN’T go wrong! :-)
You’re super cute in that dress! Love it all! Well, here’s a few things you may not know about me…1) I get super nervous on hills (in a car). 2) Mexican food is the best! Love it! 3) I’m 10 weeks pregnant…not on purpose.
I wanna see your hair curly, Cor!!
I had forgotten about your curly hair and the Keraten treatments and brazilian blowouts until you posted this – I remember the posts from way back when.
No matter what three things I post about me you won’t know them ;)
1) I am a foodie, 100% I love to cook and I LOOOOOVE to eat. I dream about food combinations/ingredients the way you probably dream about fabrics
2) I actually don’t really like sweets much. But some good dark chocolate? Forget about it, I am in heaven. But just a little bit. too much sugar makes me feel sick.
3) I didn’t think I really wanted to be a mom until I became one and with each baby we had I thought, “Okay, I want one more”. Four kids later and I still dream of holding and snuggling a little baby!
Did you really want to know all that?!?
1. I have two major scares on my body but because I am adopted no one knows where they came from, even my birth family who I found last fall.
2. I get mad at myself for eating sweets at home too much (i.e. chocolate chips and peanut butter) but don’t to stop.
3. I am scared out of my mind for my oldest to start kindergarten, in 18 months (so far away).
1. I also have curly hair that I’ve never straightened myself. I’ve only had it straightened twice at the salon. Shameful. One day last week it looked better curly than I’ve ever seen it and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to replicate that look. Yeah, one random day. I must break down and straighten!
2. I never wore my retainers (I had the metal/plastic combo kind) and I had to have a new one made recently (all plastic this time!) after 10 years (maybe 11?). I was told putting in my old ones would “damage my teeth”. I thought that I could just put them in whenever and have good teeth again. Or that it was okay to do that. Nope. I cried for days…maybe weeks. I didn’t even pick up the new retainer for months…and now it doesn’t fit…and I have to wear it 24/7…and can barely get it out to eat it is so tight. But my teeth got SO much worse even in the time I didn’t pick up my retainer (#nightgrinder). I can’t even believe there are people out there who wear retainers every night. That must be why their teeth look so good. I must say the all plastic ones are much easier to tolerate…
OK, two items of rambling is enough for today…
1. I have been the same size since high school therefore I have accumulated A LOT of clothes.
2. I love planning surprise parties for others.
3. I have to eat chocolate once a day.
Love this outfit!!!!!! The dress is gorgeous. It is funny to see how we see ourselves.
I want to see your hair curly!
haha, you look super cute and I really take to you! :)