Jeans: ZARA. (similar) Breton Shirt: Boden.(this season’s) Sweatshirt: JCrew Factory. Jacket: Loft.(similar.) Booties: Bella Vita. Bag: Michael Kors. (similar.)
Most of the things that grace my bucket list involve travel, and since we now have three kids in school, and I really don’t like to be away from them all that much, it’s one of those things that is currently on the back-burner for the most part. Dang elementary school teachers just expect kids to be there everyday. Whatever. Anyways, I have big dreams for my life, and a big portion of those dreams has to do with seeing the world. I want to see everything! Craig’s got this crazy dream where we sell everything we own, buy a sailboat, and just become floating gypsies for a few years, homeschooling our kids and showing them– well, everything. Half of me thinks this sounds wildly romantic and life changing. The other half is like, pirates. I am 99% sure if I ever agreed to it, it would become our reality. That’s the kind of man I’m married to and I love it. I can’t get enough of his adventurous spirit.
Anyways, when I saw this sweatshirt at JCrew Factory last fall, I knew it had to be mine and I’ve got this little challenge for myself that I’m never going to throw it out and I’m going to one by one check off every city printed on it. I’ll let you know how it works out in about 20 years…
Bon Voyage ladies.
current nautical faves:

Hi, love! what a beautiful post, full of charming smiling, love your whole look! fab jacket and I like the way you accessorized your outfit, very stylish and on trend. <3 Zhanna,
p.s. how about following each other? I am already your follower <3
Living on a sailboat sounds like a dream. What I wouldn’t do to live like a Gypsy and just float through life. Sounds so free! Love your outfit and hope you are able to collect them all.
I have been all over Europe and I absolutley fell in love with all the different cultures. If you get the chance go to Prague. Everyone says Paris is the city of romance but I disagree. Prague takes the cake hands down!
your layering is professional status here! love it
ladies in navy
I love your jacket, but the link to a similar style doesn’t work. Can you fix it please? Thank you! Love your style! :)
In love with those booties!
Cute outfit!!!!!
Cute outfit! Traveling is also on my bucket list!
I’m the same way! I want to go everywhere and see everything. The opposite reason keeps me here though… I’m not willing to travel by myself. One day though!!!
loving this look cori — that top is fab! xo
Super cute look, wish I could pull of those booties like you do!
Become expats(!) in a country with lots and lots of public holidays so you can travel the region I wanted to travel so I moved to Indonesia, then got a job in Malaysia, then strapped a backpack on my back and traveled from India to Japan, lived in Australia, Singapore and now in Cambodia (with 26 public holidays+annual leave). Added bonus to living in Asia is that it is easy, affordable and good to have help around the house, maids, nannies, drivers, cooks, gardeners.
I love your blog- the way you mix target and gap with j.crew, your own brand, and other brands is a reflection of the average woman that doesn’t have an unlimited budget. i just started up my own blog focusing on style, DIY, and other random musings. Take a look and let me know what you think.
Most of the things on my bucket list involve travel too. I would love to be able to travel all over some day with my husband. Love this look and that sweater! I think it is a great idea to check off the places you go!
Love this look! I love those jeans! I was thinking of getting a pair myself, I really liked the accessories in this look, love your blog, keep it up! <3
Aaaaaahhhhhhh that adventure sound so good. My husband talks about getting an RV to see the US. The older I get the nicer that sounds. Love this whole outfit Cori. It almost looks like spring where you are.
Floating gypsies, that would be totally awesome, but on a small boat with 5 poeple, you might welcome those pirates. Kidding. Love traveling one of my dreams is just to live somewhere for a few months, take off with the hubby and kids and just go somewhere for 3 months.
Love the sweatshirt!!! Super cute w the stripe accent!!
Cheers! catherine