This recipe makes the most out of this world sugar cookies I have ever eaten. Subsequently it is my mother’s recipe, which is why of course it’s perfect. The woman can bake, like whoa.
Anyways, if you are on a diet or have any plans of losing weight any time in the near future, I would not recommend making these cookies. They are not in the least bit healthy, and they are literally the only thing I make in the world with which I am able to exercise absolutely no self control whatsoever.
truly irresistible.
(i recommend using a kitchenaid when making these. nothing creams butter and sugar quite like it.)
ps. we are having a sale today…
20% off your entire order.
use coupon code: love20 at checkout.
head on over to the shopy-shop and get yourself something pretty.
Happy Valentine’s day lovers.

These are adorable….def going to write down this recipe. Have a lovely weekend
Scrumptious!! I can’t wait to try them… On a day when I have to take them to work so I don’t eath them all myself!
I got my very first kitchenaid this past Christmas and I’ve been wanting a good cookie recipe to try it out! Plus my husband loves sugar cookies. I think it’s meant to be :) thanks for sharing! Happy lovers day!
these cookies look amazing and are adorably decorated! xo
Yes, I’ve used your mom’s recipe. So good! I’m glad you posted this because I lost my copy and have been wondering about it. Thanks! Happy Valentine’s Day! Love you!!!
Those look yummy, now I am craving sugar cookies lol! I just started following you on bloglovin, I would love it if you could follow me back !