I think fall is by far the most magical season. I really wanted a fall this year because I felt like I hadn’t had a proper one in a long time and it’s just so very fall this year that it makes me extremely happy. If I’m anything at all, it’s a season person. I loooove seasons. I’m not afraid of snow, I love a good hot summer and I live for autumn and spring. If I ever have another baby, I think I’ll name her Autumn. I once new a girl named Autumn and she was darling and smart and a lover of books and she introduced me to the Toll House Pie, which makes me believe that people named Autumn just turn out really really awesome (you know because of the association with the best of all seasons).
I feel like I’m in a weird season of my life. I don’t think I belong anywhere, exactly right now. I woke up one morning and suddenly most of my littles aren’t really littles anymore. I don’t know how that happened or when, but one day, there it was, and I was the mom of kids, not munchkins anymore. Most of the women I know who are my age have kids that are younger, and most of the women I know with kids the same age as mine are a good 5 years older than me. Not that it matters all that much, but still. And also, this whole business of making clothes. It’s a huge, giant humongous part of my everyday life, and there’s no one but Mr who really gets all the way exactly what that’s like. It can be a little lonely. Sometimes I feel like a weirdo, and sometimes a rockstar, but most of the time really tired, because doing something like this with 4 kids in tow is really really hard. I’m not kidding, it’s not for the faint of heart. But then, my darling next door neighbor/friend Desi comes over and hangs out in my studio and tries on my new designs and looks so good and I’m just really really glad I’m still doing this, even if some days like (ahem) yesterday I was legitimately ready to throw in the towel. I don’t really know where I am going with this; I think sometimes it’s just nice to send your truth out there into the universe. Life, I am learning is messy and beautiful and crazy and hard and good, all at the same time. Most days, I pretty grateful for all of it. (Not yesterday, oh no, yesterday was a doozy.)
And also, Happy Happy Birthday to one of my most darling friends in the whole wide world. I love you Emily! And if I still lived in Seattle I would drive over to your house and pick you up, and we would go eat sushi and talk about books and Jane Eyre, and all the different crazy things our kids are doing, and then we would probably have to go get dessert. Miss you so so much.
Pants: Old Navy. (little boys, similar here, or try these.) Shirt: J Crew Factory. (on sale!) Jacket: Loft. (old, similar here and here.) Bag: Target. Shoes: Enzo Angiolini.

I have to say that Fall is my favorite too! I love the chill in the air and that you can layer clothes and also it’s my bday month… I mean it’s the bestest ever!
You look great and those black heels are gorgeous
Inspiration Monday Link Up @happymedley.blogspot.com
When it looks like that outside how could believe Fall was anything but magical? Gorgeous.
Oh my, i love those camo pants!
You look gorgeous, hair is amazing .. Great post, love all the fallen leaves in the background :)
Laura xx
You are adorable. I follow your blog almost daily, and weirdly, feel as if I know you ;) I, too, am a mom not of littles anymore – in fact, I’m in your “next” chapter…my baby boy is a Junior in high school, my sweet sweet second baby boy is a freshman and my baby girl is in 5th grade. I find myself lost, all the time – not sure where my place is. I’m a stay at home mom and have been for 17 years. I know it’s time to start looking forward for me, but I need to take baby steps because my girl still needs me around a lot. And I find myself sad, quite often – missing my sweet little people. But then something magical will happen – like I’ll be laying on the couch watching tv and my big boy will just come up to me and give me a great big huge hug! Those are the moments I live for today – anyway – adore you….
Your comment spoke right to my heart. I never imagined how bittersweet it would be to be a mother, but as my kids grow I feel it more and more. I wish they would stay babies forever, but then watching the people they are becoming makes me almost giddy with joy.
I’ve never left a comment like this, I’ve only recently even had time to discover the fashion and design blog world (which I love and am learning the good and bad of it all), but I LOVE yours! I actually found you through Emily’s blog (love hers too). I’m a teacher with two small boys, one starting school next year, and decided to take a year off from work so I too feel “lost” in a way I’ve never felt before. Your blog has helped me feel not so “lonely”. Your blog portrays real life in a REAL way, a way that I can do, that I can afford, and in a way that makes me feel good about myself. So keep doing what you are doing, women are counting on you!
I am loving those pants!! Your outfit is great!
This outfit is so cute and so perfect for fall. Your pictures are stunning in every way.
First of all i love your outfit and i know what you mean. MY son is 4.5 years old and i catch myself looking at him and i wonder how did he get to be such a big boy. He is growing up so fast. I’m trying to cherish it all and like you I can’t wait to see the beautiful person he grows up to be.
omg, I love that satchel.
Oh man, here are the tears again!! Thank you! How I wish that we were eating sushi right now. . . And, I wish I could be the girl next door like Desi too. I’m glad you have her though. You are the best, and the I love you! You are indeed entering into a new phase, I admire you for that, every day. I have the utmost confidence that you will rock it!! I wish I could remember this one quote from the last conference about this same thing, from Elder Holland. When I find it, I will text you. He’s pretty much awesome when it comes to. um. everything. I had a friend, Autumn too. She’s pretty fab. Loves and hugs.
Love you Em. Loved talking to you today. Your voice makes me so happy. XO
ps. thanks for the quote. It’s totally my new mantra. loves.
I read your blog ever so faithfully…I find you to be very inspiring. Back in April of this year I had to have Hysterectomy, which left me with a lot of time to read over all of your blog entries. I’m in my mid-thirties and was completely devastated my only chance to have children was ripped away from me. When your sweet angel was taken away from you…I cried. I wanted to reach out..how could I possibly have any words to help. I was so broken inside..but you know what helped? Reading your blog! I was able to get out of my own head and to have a little bit of fun.
I have no idea what it is like having 4 children and my own business. I work a very demanding job, which helps me get through some of the ruff points of the day. Please know we all follow you because we truly enjoy your stories and of course you FABULOUS skirts…I have two by the way. Thank you for allowing me into a small part of your life… You truly inspire me.
Oh Janea. My heart broke for you reading this comment. Sometimes I really can’t understand the why in these things, but my goodness I am so glad we can share our pain with one another, somehow it makes it easier in the sharing. I know what you mean about the demanding job getting you through the rough days. I have thanked the Lord so many times over the last few months that I had this clothing line to keep me so busy, and to work the grief out of me on days where I feel like it’s going to carry me away. It really is a great cure for so many things.
Thanks for being so honest! I know what you mean about feeling in the middle without a niche of your own. Thankfully, we have our littles and darling families. :)
Oh, man! Cori, I’m embarking on quite a similar path (minus the rockstar sewing/designing skills you have! Wowza!). I’ve been following you for awhile but I’m not a huge commenter. I read this post over an hour ago and I just felt I had to reach out and say “I hear you!” I’m a lost and lonely soul myself. I’m also 29 and my husband and I have been married for 10 years (lds!!) For literally our entire marriage he’s been in school (pre-med, medical school, now OBGyn Residency) and that has moved us all over the country and even a tiny island. All the while, we’ve had three boys. My oldest is now in 1st grade, my 2nd in kinder, and my baby is turning 2 soon *sob*. This is getting long winded…haha. Basically I just wanted to say I know EXACTLY how you feel :) Everyone I try to make friends with my age is just having their first babe and the ones that have kids my age are a little older and sometimes I feel like a little girl trying to play house when I’m around them! It’s rough! I feel not so alone when I read this post. So thanks for your awesome words, cute fashion sense, and mostly for keeping it real ;)
I’ve always felt like Dr’s wives deserve some kind of really amazing award because, yikes you have to go through the ringer. When my husband was getting his MBA I was like in serious “survival” mode, and that only lasted two years… yikes, a decade I would be a basketcase. Bravo lady! Also, it’s so awkward to be the “young” mom. I feel exactly the same way, like a little girl playing house. It’s like that when I hang around super tall people too, haha.
I had to comment to your reply b/c it made me laugh out loud. I’m a “young” mom and in the same boat as you. I was talking with a friend of mine at church this past Sunday and a new lady walked in. The three of us were chatting and the new lady turned to my friend and asked if I was her daughter. It was mortifying! Just one of those moments where I prayed my sweet friend’s feelings weren’t hurt. Everyone around me is super tall (I’m 4’11”) and I get mistaken for a teenager ALL THE TIME. It doesn’t help that my 11 yr. old daughter is as tall as me now. The time does go by so fast and I’m holding on to my 6 yr old baby for dear life. Your Ava gives me baby fever in the worst way…she’s a dumpling!
Ah that happens to me too! People have started to ask if I’m my kid’s big sister. Yikes. You’re right ava is a total dumpling and I nibble her all day long. ;-)
Wow! I follow your blog daily and I can not believe you devoted the beginning of your post to people with my name! (My parents knew what they were doing, given I was born in the autumn and I came into the world with a head full of strawberry-blonde hair.) :) I grew up a lover of books and nature, have worked in publishing and now stay at home with my three children while writing a book and doing a terrible job of updating my blog! Anyway, I agree that autumn truly is the most magical season.
We all have horrible bad days when we want to throw in the towel. Don’t discount how much you’ve been through this year with losing your precious Ruby. It can take a long time to feel right again after such a tremendous loss. It’s wonderful that you have such a talent and gift for style and clothing. You inspire me every day to try a little harder, put in a little more effort, and be creative with my wardrobe choices. For this, I thank you, and will always be an avid reader of your blog.
Hang in there and go with your instincts, follow your heart, and when all else fails, put your feet up and read a great book! You will be in my prayers for better days ahead.
Autumn, truly an inspired name. I feel like everyone named Autumn should be just like you, that’s how I imagine them anyway. Thank you so much for your kind words. They are such a good reminder to me. And I think I’m going to take your advice and go get lost in a book. ;-)
you look beautiful, Im in love with your pants
Oh Cori, I just LOVED this post. It spoke to my heart. Autumn is by far my favourite season, it is just so magical and healing. I feel like it is a gentle beginning to the winter (which here in Alberta is brutal and LONG!).
I also know exactly what you mean about being in the middle and not knowing where you fit. I am in such a funny position where I feel like lots of people have kids the same ages as mine but I am not the same age or the same personality as any of them. I don’t fit in with the “young moms” but I am not with the older moms either, even though my oldest is going into Jr High School (grade 7) next year! I feel lonely a lot and honestly your blog is one of the things that makes me happy. It is funny how we can feel like we have a “friend” even though we have never spoken to that person and they do not even know we exist! I am grateful you continue to do what you do, as it inspires me and gets me to look at things in new ways. You are an incredible person – hope you know that!
Tamatha, I totally feel like we are friends… even though we’ve never actually met. Your comments always make me happy!
Great combinations , you look very sweet
Too many blogs imply perfection. Thank you, for your honesty. When someone like you expresses their not so perfect moments, it allows me to be human. And, I’m learning to be okay with that.
beautiful! these pants are gorgeous
kw ladies in navy
Love your blog and your daring, eclectic style.
I really relate to this post. I often feel lost. I had kids way before any of my close friends and we have really drifted apart as a result. At the same time, I had to work, which prevented me from making friends with any mothers from my kids school as well. I feel,like the only working mom with one set of women and the only mom of school-aged kids among another set. It’s a bummer. God certainty doesn’t arrange things the way I would have sometimes.
Thanks for sharing and being honest. Makes me feel less alone.
Amen Jenni! So much harder to be the awkward in between. You feel so much more alone, but one thing I’ve learned from this post is, that we aren’t the only ones… ;-)
I love fall! You’re right, it IS magical! I love that you gave your friend a shout, so cute!
Love these pants so much … That I just had to order them!! And I also ordered the grey camo ones from gap… ;-) I was so excited to get them but now after getting them I’m completely stumped as to what to pair them with? I love how you have paired them here ..