What can I say, some dresses just make you feel lovely. This is one of them. In the softest ponte you can imagine, and with the most presh peter pan collar on the planet, it’s an everyday winner. Seriously, if you have $30 laying around I suggest you click/drive right over to Target, because this dress wants to live in your closet. Also, I should probably mention that it has half-sleeves, which everyone knows are the very best kind of sleeves (so flattering!). I wore this when I took my girls out on Saturday evening (while Mr. took the mini-Mr’s to the football game) and Hannah let out an audible gasp when she saw my dress. “Mom!” she said, “that dress is so pretty!” Since Hannah’s pretty much the savviest 9-year-old I’ve ever met, I’ll take that stamp of approval. Yes I will.
Don’t you sometimes wish that girls still wore dresses every single day? When my mom was in school, all girls had to wear dresses. Not sure I’d be on board with that, I love my jeans as much as the next girl (I’ll never quit you, boyfriend jeans!), but I still think I feel the loveliest when I’m wearing a dress.
What do you feel the loveliest in?
Dress: Target. Cardigan: Target(old, similar here). Flats: Old Navy(similar). Bag: Michael Kors. Bracelets: Loft.

I bought that dress a month ago and it was way too big for me! I had to return it and I was so heart broken!
Yes it was too big on me as well, I altered it down to fit. ;-)
Such a cute dress. I just at Target this week and saw so many cute things. Target always has some great affordable options.
i just bought a very similar peter pan collared dress (in navy, even!) from target as well! although it’s not this one…they have multiple awesome peter pan collar dresses right now, turns out. and mine was on clearance for $10 :) heck to the yes. although, yours is longer and mine – i have to wear with leggings. but still! i’m lovin it.
The link seems to be broken… Can you repost? Thanks!
I fixed it, becca, thanks for letting me know! It should work now!
Hi. I just found your blog/site via another blogger who recommended you. So glad I popped over! So far you’ve got me hooked on your fashion style, your writing style and the photography. I’ll be checking you out daily!
Oh and I was at Target this morning… I had to put my blinders on as I walked past the women’s section! Too much great stuff!
Beautiful fall color.
I love it! It’s gorgeous paired with that pumpkin-rust color too!
Cute dress. :) I can see why you like it so much.
I feel loveliest in dresses and skirts…pretty much all I wear (year-round in Texas), with the occasional boyfriend jeans/pumps or skinny jeans/riding boots or track pants/ballet flats combo…thrown in now-and-then to “mix things up!” ;)
I always feel loveliest in a dress but never wear them here in our cold northern climate ;) I would live in dresses and skirts if I could though – love them!
Such a fabulous fall outfit!
I love those collars. Still don’t have anything with a collar like that. Maybe you can make something for us to buy with such a collar…
I love it. It is a perfect length. I want it!!
Lovely! And I recently bought a classic navy dress, too, but one with a flared silhouette. A classic shape in a neutral color like navy is a GREAT investment! http://librarianforlifestyle.wordpress.com/2013/10/15/navy-classic/
darling darling dress
kw ladies in navy
I totally second your comment that you “sometimes wish that girls still wore dresses every single day.” Which is why I sieze EVERY opportunity I can to put my daughter in a dress. LOL. BTW Corilynn, this sweater looks about the same color as the lovely rust riding skirt I just bought from you. Soooo beautiful. So many compliments.
Ah yay Yasmin! I’m so glad you love it. Rust is one of my all-time favorite colors. And I’m the same way with my daughters, I love to put them in dresses…
Did you go up a size for length and than take it down, or is that where it hits you?
I didn’t go up a size, but I did have to take it in still. This is where it hit me.
I ran out to try this on and while the fit was perfect, the length was above my knee and I’m just not a fan of showing off my knees. Darn. :(
I know what you mean, I’m not a big fan of my knees either… hehe. Except things are almost never too short on me.
Help! You posted about some pants from Old Navy. I think they’re colored skinny jeans that were really soft? I have been skimming your blog all morning and can’t find that post. It wasn’t an old post either so I don’t know why I can’t find it…can you help direct me? Thanks!
marie- here’s a link to the post you’re looking for: http://www.dresscorlynn.com/2013/10/01/top-it-off/
I love this, making a run to target tomorrow.
Thanks so much for posting this lovely dress and your whole outfit. I have a hard time shopping for myself and knowing what to buy. The next day I went to Target I bought myself this dress and wore it to church on Sunday. I love it and my husband loves it (which is always a plus)! Thanks Cori. :)
Oh Yay, Jessica! I’m so glad. My husband loves it too. ;-) There really is nothing better than a pretty dress.
I can’t seem to read any posts anymore, it shows one picture, then comments but no actual blog posts. I can’t access it through the website or bloglovin, any ideas?
I went and got this dress and unfortunately it is too short for me. It’s above my knees. I so want to keep it. Love how you wore it with the rust.
k at http://www.beautystyleandgrowth.blogspot.com