My baby Ava has been crawling for quite some time now. In fact we all thought she would be walking by now–she crawled so early– and she pulls herself up and stands with no hands(!) but it seems like for now, crawling is her jam. The thing is, she is really really good at it. I have never seen a baby crawl with the same intensity that she does. (Think Ursula in that part at he end of little mermaid when she’s crawling across the boat) She’s like a baby assassin. Just motoring her way around the house, up the stairs, and admittedly behind any thing that she can possibly wriggle her little body into. She’s a real hider, my Ava, and she loves to tuck herself behind the chair in the living room, inside the curtains, under the stools in the kitchen, beneath the rolls of fabric in my studio. You name it, if it’s got a nook, Ava’s going to hide in it. Lately, she’s taken to Ethan’s room in the worst way. If we turn our backs, she is up the stairs, through his door, and behind his bed rummaging through his special toy drawer in a matter of seconds. Welcome to the mess-making stage. Which should end roughly around adulthood I imagine, unless she’s neat as a pin like her sister. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed for that.
Speaking of hiding, I bought these pants early last spring (well, probably more like February) and then I hung them in my “to alter” closet, where I promptly forgot all about them. Then the other day, I found them again! Tags still attached, brand new, it was like finding money in your pocket, except pants. I slipped them on again and decided I could just get away with wearing them without taking them in and hemming the pant, so that’s what I did. Since 99% of my wardrobe has to be tweaked in some way to fit me, any time I can get away with not altering my clothes, I do.
BTW- thank you, thank you all so much for your kind words about my new design yesterday. I have been overwhelmed by the response, two sizes have already sold out, and it really means the world to me. Kisses to you all, and happy Thursday! It’s weekend eve, go get yourself a cupcake.
Pants: J Crew. (similar) Blouse: J Crew Factory. Blazer: H&M. Bag: Michael Kors. Bracelets: Loft. Shoes: BCBGeneration.

Love these pants, especially the color. The polka dots are so fun too. Glad you were able to get away without altering them!
Me too!
love the striped bag with the polka dots — too cute cori! xo
love the colors in this look!
kw, ladies in navy
Great look COri. Love those pants. MY son was thankfully a late crawler and he never really got into anything, thank goodness. Even now at 4 I can trust him not to destroy the house. Good luck, Eva is going to keep you guys busy but in a good way.
I’m definitely going to have to keep my eye on her…