It’s labor day today, which means that last night the littles slept in a tiny tent in the back yard and we had big plans of driving up the canyon and spending a day at the lake. A final farewell to summer, and all that. And then we woke up to rain, the smell of clean air, and the sound of the littles giggling in the backyard. I can’t say that I mind. While a day on the water would have been fun, a rainy day feels like the perfect welcome song for fall. Mr. went and bought doughnuts this morning, and rented a few movies. We’re going to do a few fun project around the house–you know, the ones you save for a rainy day– and then we’re going to eat yummy things, and watch movies and I’m thinking I might cuddle up on the couch and finally finish that book I’ve been reading. I may even breakout the homemade chili…
Welcome Fall!
Skirt: Marshalls. Top: JCrew Factory. Necklace: Etsy. Bag: Michael Kors.
Today is the last day to get 20% off your entire corilynn order!!! use code: take20 at checkout.

WOW, so classy and casual at the same time. Gorgeous!
Lauren from Modern Modesty
You’re soooo classy and fab. Hope it was a great day, and I’m wishing you a wondrous new Fall season. Heaven knows you could use it, and deserve it. Love ya lots!
I love your style cori, can you please do a make up toturial ?! I adore your make up
Love the red maxi skirt. Gorgeous and yes Fall is here. It’s nice to just lounge around the house with the kids when it rains and watch movies. That’s what we did with my son on Friday. We made a big bed on the living room floor and watch Lion King and ate popcorn. It was a lot of fun.
Don’t forget to stop by and say hi and link up Thursday for my weekly tres-chic fashion thursday link up.